Sunday, October 17, 2010

Scattershot Designs

For this project we were suppose to avoid "Scattershot" Designs. The definition of a "Scattershot" is covering a wide range in a randomn way. However, both of these pictures happen to be perfect examples of "Scattershot" Design. We were suppose to cut out pieces of paper from a four inch square and see how thoroughly we could destroy the identity of the square. These are bad designs because I didnt use an interlocking, mutual tension or continuity. If I had used these techniques I wouldnt have ended up with two scattershot designs.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Line Project

Materials Used:
Rubber Cement
Black Construction Paper
X-acto Knife
Bristol Pad
Self Healing Mat

For this project we were to show curved, vertical and horizontal lines on a  8"x 10" sheet of  Bristol.The designs that I created were done through a trail and error process that allowed me to experiment with figure ground relationship.. I used variations of thick and thin lines to give it more variety. I also overlapped some of the lines and continued them off of the paper.

In this Line Design we were to only use curved lines and no horizontal or vertical lines. 
I really like the thickness of the top two curved lines at the top, its gives the skinnier lines more
definition. It sort of reminds me of confetti.

This line design used only vertical lines and they had to be thick, medium or skinny. I remember cutting out lots of strips of black construction paper and aliening them vertically across the paper. Some of the ways I arranged them I didn't particularly like so I had to arrange and re-arrange them to get the final outcome.

The above design was made with horizontal and vertical lines. Like the other designs this was done with trial and error and involved lots of rearranging!